Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio!

I am an enthusiastic, recent graduate from the UofMN as a fullstack MERN Developer seeking fulltime work focused on front-end coding. I am eager to utilize teamwork and technological skills to bring your vision to reality!



This is a 5 Day Weather forecasting app using the openweather API. this works by typing in a city within the search bar and it will display the current dates weather and display the next 5 days of that cities weather. this app will store the past cities you searched and there is a button to clear the past searches.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery

Note-Taker App

I have made a note taker app that stores your notes that you have written. for this I had to create a server file as well as routes to link the html, css, and javascript files so that they will display to the page with full functionality.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Express


I have created an employee tracker using node.js along with mysql2, inquirer, and console.table. In order to run this you need to source the schema, then use the database, after switching to that database, source the seed file path and follow that with node server.js and it will open the prompt for you to choose to view all employees, add and employee, update employee, view all roles, add a role, view all departments then add a department or just quit. selecting any one other than quit will result in more prompts for input and it will take your input to generate new items into the database.

  • Javascript
  • NodeJS
  • mysql2
  • inquirer
  • ctable


this is one of my first few projects I have made. A timed quiz on some javascript knowledge. the quiz has a timer that starts upon pressing the start quiz button and you are given 80 seconds to complete the quiz but you will lose 10 seconds of time for an incorrect answer. your score is the time you have left remaining after the last question or you lose and can start again if you run out of time. your high score is displayed after typing your name or initials.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript


I have worked with a wide range of technologies in web development ranging from both front and back-end development.

  • Front-End


  • Back-End



Personal Accomplishments


Certificate In Coding


Prrojects Created
